
A Forex Trading Journal

yeah,... so , it isn't really a blog. but a log, on a broom. A journal, if you will. So a bit about myself. I have been drawn to forex for some strange reason. Maybe divine, who knows really. I do know, that in the early 2000's , after 9/11, I had decided to form on opinion about the world on my own. A lot of political learning went on there, but I also found a rabbit hole. After a couple years of diving deep (way too deep) into conspiracy theory's ( including not landing on the moon, and half reptilian alien race breeding with the elite ), I had finally found some truth. Ron Paul. It was from this point forward , I started to look at only facts, and debate the crazy ones. It was through Ron Paul that I found a passion to understanding economics. I was on a quest to find why it was so hard to save money in one of the most fruitful countries in the world. One being the feds, destroying the value of the dollar. The other was the feds connection with the world and how the worl